Υβριδικές και μεταβαλλόμενες ατμόσφαιρες στους τόπους του τοκετού

Μυρτώ Χρονάκη

Keywords: birth territories, changing practices, hybrid atmosphere

The essay explores the hybrid atmospheres of birth landscapes of the three main types of environments where birth takes place, the obstetric hospital, the home, and the natural birth centre or the birth rooms that are appearing in Greece today. It will focus on the multiple or contradictory situations encoun-tered using the notion of atmosphere’, a condition related to the physical envi-ronment, the uses of space, the activities that occur and the feelings that are developed in it, as well as the symbolic meanings related to the birth territory. The paper is based on a site research project carried out in α medium sized provincial town, Volos in 2008-2009 and in 2013-2014.