L’ambiance festive comme projet de territoire. Réflexions liminaires autour de « La Ferme du Bonheur »

Jennifer Buyck, Olivier Perrier

Keywords: ambiance, party, infra-politics, project, urban-agriculture, territory

The experiences of French urban agriculture basically transcribe a need of residents, especially city dwellers, to connect with the territory of which they lost control. The ambition of this paper is to link the issue of ambiances with that of the use and the fabrication of contemporary territories by questioning - historically, philosophically and politically - a singular ‘heterochrony’: the garden party at the ‘Ferme du Bonheur’. We examine the ambiance related to these gardens, these practices, to finally discuss, even disclose, a project of infra-territorialisation highlighted by these festivals; because although these practices may seem anecdotal, even residual, they are nonetheless indicative of a new paradigm of contemporary territories.