"Τhe Wire-frames". Η Βαλτιμόρη σε στιγμιότυπα

Δάφνη Μπαντούνα, Ναταλία Παυλίδη

Keywords: urban crisis, urban regeneration, Baltimore, the Wire

Snapshots of Baltimore, through the lens of a cinematic camera and behind the TV screen, carefully selected and scrutinized, are used, along with conventional means of scientific research, as a tool in the study and the understanding of the function of a great western city, by reproducing its urban space, by simulating its ambiances. The city of Baltimore has not been chosen at random. While it has been one of the most ambitious examples in urban regeneration policies, it is still today a city in crisis, economic, political, social and urban crisis. Besides, the city itself is the protagonist of the American TV series “The Wire”, depicting the whole range of the recent history of the city, revealing the alterations which have taken place and have formed the current city icon.