Ατμόσφαιρες εγκατάλειψης: ο ρόλος των αρχειακών αφηγήσεων

Αφροδίτη Μαραγκού

Keywords: traces, landscape, abandonment, archival practice

What remains unexamined in the Greek landscape, are the abandoned limits of the small non-metropolitan regional areas. The archival narrative of an atmosphere produced by ruins may play the role of interpretation and representation mechanism. The landscape of the lowlands of Thessaly is selected as a paradigm of a changing reality, where one can recognise a number of exemplary transformations. The migration phenomenon of mountain populations in Karditsa region in the 60’s, is the springboard for a dispersion of new residential settlements in the lowlands, which however remained uninhabited, in ruin condition. Specifically, the emerging atmosphere of the abandoned residential settlement in Orfana village in Karditsa, will be the case study able to be analysed through an interdisciplinary archive.