8 m² de pâte dentifrice. Expérimenter les œuvres artistiques odorantes

Suzel Balez

Keywords: odeurs, œuvres artistiques odorantes, sensation olfactive, effets odorants

If the relations of the smell in the constructed space remain little explored in the contemporary scientific world, today, numerous artists confront with it. Their experiments, by putting on stage the smells in the built space, test the properties of the smell itself, in a sometimes-renewed effectuation question simultaneously the frames of our social and esthetic standards. A directory of olfactory effects allows understandings of phenomena, between the physic-chemical, sociocultural, individual worlds, active in the olfactory artistic actions. These deciphering sometimes reveal gaps, mysteries, which represent so many leads to be explored to enrich this olfactory effects directory or to direct new strategies of research.