La méthode des itinéraires, entre récits de vie et ambiances urbaines. Saisir et partager des ambiances

Maïlys Toussaint

Keywords: méthode des itinéraires, récit de vie, ambiance partagée

This paper proposes to take a look at the « méthode des itinéraires », which could be translated as « journey’s method », and considers the possibilities it could give us to grasp the ambiances of a territory, and to keep records of them. This method was progressively developed by Jean-Yves Petiteau, in order to understand and to share the knowledge of a territory through the talk and the experiences of its inhabitants. We will bring some reasoning elements of a post-graduate dissertation about the possibilities of the method to reveal shared ambiances and sharable ambiances, and extend it to the possibilities to capture them and to keep records of them.