Διάκοσμος & ατμοσφαιρικές εντυπώσεις στη Λογοτεχνία. Η πόλη στο περίβλημα των εντυπώσεων

Δήμητρα Μερμίγκη

Keywords: ornament, ambiance, Situationists, Kazantzakis, impression

What is ambiance? How are ambient impressions getting created when an art encapsulates another as “a play within a play” process? The paper addresses the questions, by presenting ambient impressions as emotional views of locus character through ornament reflections in literature. Focus in case is the dialectical triptych: Ornament (dia-kosmos or opsis) - ambience (vital impression shell) - character, from actual to representational city. A similar case has been described by the Greek, writer Nikos Kazantzakis. His Travel, as a soul adventure, his “Cretan Glance”as Cretan supervision & “the red line” formulate a modified “genius loci” a Hellenic originated ambiance with situational avant-garde aspects.