The Third Congress will therefore provide the scientific community, designers and artists with an opportunity to showcase and debate how these developments trace out the future of ambiances and especially how they will be conceived, experienced, felt and practiced. Proposals are expected to include partial responses and arguments relating to the general theme of the Ambiances, tomorrow via six themes outlined in this call for papers.
Particular interest will be given to proposals that provide for possible cross-over and hybridation between various different fields and expertise:
- Research that straddles several disciplinary fields.
- Research that combines research practices and design activities.
- Research that incorporates diverse sensorial possibilities.
- Research that draws from both art and science.
Authors are invited to submit proposals (in French, English or Greek) of between 3,000 and 3,500 characters (including spaces) dealing with one or more of the six themes proposed
- Ambiantal experiences and experiment
- Traces, notations and representations of ambiances
- Projecting and manufacturing the ambiances of tomorrow
- Ambiance, atmosphere, climate: theory, politics and criticism
- Ambiances and territories in transformation
- Ambiance as heritage of the future
Proposals must be submitted here before the 1st December 2015