Verbal score performance
led by Panagiotis A. Kanellopoulos & the Monday's Drop(s), University of Thessaly
Optional Pre-performance Workshop, Amphtheater - Dpt of Architecture, Wednesday, during the lunch break, 14:30 - 15:00. All welcome!
Performance, Amphitheater of the Dpt of Planning and Regional Development, Wednesday 20h30 !
Sound Works
Thursay, 22 Sept 2016, 20:30 - Open theatre, dept. of Architecture
Curator: Dafni Tragaki
Sound Engineer: Nikos Vamvakas (LECAD, Univ. of Thessaly)
track list
- Jose Louis Carles
- Spiros Papadopoulos
- Αkoo_o
- Savvas Metaxas & Spyros Emmanouilidis
- Eventless Plot
- Yiannis Kotsonis
- Anastasios Kokkinidis
- Alex Retsis
Special thanks to Granny Records (Thessaloniki).