Contemporary societies are now more than ever in a dynamic of change that impacts the production of space and lifestyles. In particular, globalisation and digitisation can be seen as two key vectors in this dynamic that ceaselessly transforms urban territories and their periphery as well as rural areas. We wish to tease out the sensorial dimension of these changes, firstly by analysing their impacts on the environment and practices and also in order to envisage the roles (technical, political, performative, etc.) of ambiances in the production of tomorrow's territories.We believe three avenues are particularly worth exploring in this respect. The first concerns the production of territories and constructing approaches and images concerning their competitiveness. The second focuses on the spaces produced and the day-to-day situations rendered possible and seeks to analyse their capacity for including or excluding inhabitants. It also examines the overlap between different worlds and between real and virtual spatialities in the experience of places. Lastly, the third avenue focuses on the spatial and temporal scales concerned by these transformations and their implications for understanding how these territories are set to evolve.
4 Jan. 2016:
Deadline for abstract submission
20 Fev. 2016:
End of review phase
25-26 Fev. 2016:
Feedback to authors
3 May 2016:
9 May 2016:
NEW Deadline for article submission
21-24 Sept. 2016: