Network meeting: Sound, Music, Atmosphere
Thursday 15:00 to 17:00 (Room Γ )
(Organizer: Friedlind Riedel, Bauhaus University Weimar)
We invite all those working on atmosphere in relation to music and sound, to join us for an informal get-together. This meeting aims at providing opportunities for trans-disciplinary collaboration and exchange in the area of sound and music, or auditory culture, broadly defined. We will invite you to introduce your research in progress and share your publications, to potentially locate resonances and overlaps between projects, both thematically and conceptually. It is the objective to stimulate discussion, to brainstorm future collaborations, and to have a good time.
Tomorrow, 13 projects for 13 Ambiances
Thursday 15:00 to 17:00 (Foyer - Exhibition hall - close to the Amphitheater of the Dpt of Architecture )
(Organizer : Prof. Vassiliki Petridou, Dpt of Architecture, University of Patra, Greece.
Students works of the the University of Patra, Department of Architecture, will be exposed and discussed by the authors and their professor, Mss Vassiliki Petridou,
during one afternoor of the congress. 14 differents projets as 14 answer to call for paper the organisers published one year ago.
Participants and project titles : papadopoulou aikaterini, papadimitrioy olivgeri zoi the ambiαnce in canaletto’s capriccio paintings kallikouni fotini, miaoulis michael redifine landmark ambience chaida michelakou demetra, giannopoulos a. iasonas, velogiannis matthaios ideological conflicts and urban ambiences: the case of syntagma square vovos iason, roumelioti maria memory in, memory out: ambience kakaletsi lina, pantazopoulou georgia ambiαnce from another greece : konstantinos balafas photos and places karamichalis michail, korovesi artemis, lagou vassiliki en-typosis kaperoni maria-agapi, kourti angeliki, papoutsidaki maria-victoria performances-traces-ambiences: m. abramovich, a. mendieta, t. seghal. anzaoui melia, zochiou vassiliki ambiαnces is in the eye of the beholder: the case studies of edo and mesolonghi anastasiou iasonas, pitsiou nafsiki constructed memory and its ambience: the case of the sacred city of mesolonghi tsekoura christina ambiαnce in steven holl's architecture: from sketch to reality. aggelopoulou athina film music and ambience kotsalis athanasios composing ambiαnces tzoutsas alexandros, kakalis savvas researching the ambiαnce of the paradox
Tools to design tomorrow's sonic atmospheres : cartophonie and Esquis'Sons !
Wednesday 15:00 to 17:00 (Room Mi)
(Organizer: Grégoire Chelkoff and Théo Marchal, Cresson UMR AAU / ENSA Grenoble)
This workshop is addressed to the participants who are interesting to sonic ambiances in cities and inside buildings of tomorrow. It will begin by the presentation of two different tools to listen and to design sonic atmospheres : « Cartophonie" and « Esquis'Sons ! » anf follow by a discussion around the theme and participants' experiences.
Esquis’sons ! Tools to design sustainable sound environments
The present project explores in 6 sustainable neighbourhoods in Europe (Germany, Spain, France and Sweden) the sound qualities of intermediate spaces located on the building facades like balconies, loggias, terraces and circulations. A cross analysis of the physical dimensions of the built space, of the sound environment and of the user’s perceptions allows to describe the minimum conditions of existence of these remarkable sound situations. All of this work is compiled in a directory that is the first tool for sound design of such type of spaces. This directory is available in paper format in the Appendix of this report and online on the portal Esquis'Sons ( Thanks to this application (free download on the website), it is possible to make a 3D virtual environment sounds and to hear the impact of architectural choices made by designers. The auralization module is informed by the geometric characteristics of the spatial pattern and vice versa. In other words, this application lets you sketch a space by listening
The « Cartophonies » website explores the contemporary sound experience. Its aim is to contribute to the current knowledge of living environments. It offers sound fragments that have been situated, dated, commented, and classified from various researches about cities and existing architectures. It explores the diversity of hearing experiences as well as common sonic actions and productions.

Toward a scientartistic act
Friday 15:00 to 17:00 (Room E, Dpt Of Architecture)
(Organizers: Christian Bujold and Imme Bode)
There are significant issues concerning disciplinary connections between scientific and artistic approaches. As performance artists, we wish to initiate a framework for practical studies that would bring together artists/researchers/scientists within scientartistic acts. Our main intention is to ask, examine and discuss about inter/multi/transdisciplinary interests in order to evaluate them equally in their distinctions and similarities and to discover together, in a practical workshop, how we could collaborate to create a possible model (or actual work of scientart) that would help maintain a scientartistic exchange.
Christian Bujold is an international performance art artist. He’s alumni of the l’École des arts visuels et médiatiques of l’Université du Québec à Montréal.
Imme Bode is a performance artist, color designer and alumni of the l’Université des arts, Kiel/Allemagne, « stratégies spatiales » department.
Illustration "Toward a scientartistic act"